Comments on: Being Alone
LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORYTue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000hourly1 amy muiznieks
amy muiznieksThu, 09 Jul 2015 03:52:20 +0000 reading your posts. Hugs for you:)
]]>By: Kaitlyn
KaitlynTue, 07 Jul 2015 20:54:42 +0000, I am a new reader and I have Jeanette Kay to thank for that. She is a family friend and often shares parts of your story on her Facebook. I enjoy your writing very much and look forward to more posts to come. Stay strong & brave!
]]>By: Adele Bentitou
Adele BentitouThu, 02 Jul 2015 23:11:51 +0000 is said so elegantly. Thank you . My best to you Sarah.