Comments on: Otto
LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORYTue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000hourly1 Jim coglianese
Jim coglianeseThu, 16 Jul 2015 18:45:42 +0000 totally agree, it was a great idea to get Otto, by the way love the name. Keep us in the loop with Otto’s progress and pictures.
Scout congratulations on your new pet.
Uncle Jim
]]>By: Alina
AlinaTue, 14 Jul 2015 16:11:13 +0000 have MS. The past three years it has progressed to where I’m not walking well and have little strength. But we went ahead and decided to get a puppy too. We got Mildred Blue, a basset hound, at this time last year. I specifically chose a basset hound because they don’t need a lot of walking… Which really doesn’t matter because I can’t do any of the caregiving for her anyway. But it has meant a lot to my two children, ages 11 and 5. And my husband loves her too. They all know that I am unable to do much besides pet her, but they have taken on the responsibility. Now, a year later, I wouldn’t change a thing. Congratulations and have fun with Otto!
]]>By: Liz Mackney
Liz MackneyMon, 13 Jul 2015 20:21:31 +0000 on your new addition! He’s adorable. Wishing you all much happiness and puppy kisses.