Comments on: Speed4Cody
LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORYTue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000hourly1 ella
ellaMon, 23 Jan 2017 08:18:19 +0000 Cody… you fought a good fight
]]>By: Eboni and Michael
Eboni and MichaelSun, 08 Jan 2017 17:06:17 +0000 Cody. I hope all is still as well as it can be…Which is what I tell people when they ask how are we doing. My husband was diagnosed Jan 2016. He was a 45 yo BM. He took a leave from his job as a truck driver Jan 25th. The last time I saw him walk was Feb 14th 2016. We had no time to prepare ourselves for his respitory failure on Feb 20, 2016 at which time he was but on a machine to help him breath. He just turned 46 this past week. 2016 was the most challenging year we have ever had. ALS is a horrible disease that we are still trying to comprehend. My husband has been able to stay in our home with our children so I truly feel for you and your children. Just like you my husband has a feeding tube and uses a catheter to go #1. So I know what you are going through each and every day with this disease. I pray for you and your children and all the loved ones there in the fight with you. The thing that keeps me going that I know God is in control and he has a plan we just have to trust Him. Stay strong.
]]>By: Carolyn B.
Carolyn B.Thu, 30 Jun 2016 15:22:51 +0000 Cody,
I will keep you & your family uplifted in prayers.
I am a 65 y/o RN & I was dx’d w/bulbar onset 3.5 years ago, so far I am mostly independent but require some medical equipment assistance but am slowly loosing my muscle strength.
Fatigue & weakness is a constant companion
God bless you, stay strong, hopig for a cure in my lifetime.
Keep hope alive.