Comments on: Speed4Jenny
LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORYTue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000hourly1 Carlee Spradlin
Carlee SpradlinFri, 08 May 2015 01:13:36 +0000 Justine, I was fortunate enough to meet Jenny in college. What struck me most was her absolute genuine niceness. That sweet, kind spirit that really, truly is loving life, and it’s such a rare gift that it was easily recognizable. I can’t imagine the daily walls that she hits, Jenny chooses to climb those walls, find another way around, or push right on through. What I find inspiring about her is that she DOES CHOOSE to love, laugh and live, to cherish all those special moments with her family and to fill up her heart and theirs with these moments. It is a choice of how to live when a wall stands in front of you, and Jenny, the strength, the love, the selflessness, the grace, the passion, the humor, the perseverance I see in you is absolutely amazing. I wish I still lived close by and could drop in for some reminiscing, and to watch our kids play together, but I hope you know that you and your beautiful, amazing family are daily in my prayers, and in my heart. Love you, sis.
]]>By: Justine Galbraith
Justine GalbraithThu, 07 May 2015 16:19:54 +0000 stumbled upon this. Jenny’s been my friend since 1997, the first friend I made in college, when she called me in August before my freshman year began and welcomed me to the swim team.
She was a year ahead of me in school and always seemed so together, always seemed to know just what to do or say in any situation. I would sometimes think to myself when I had a problem, “How would Jenny handle this?” In this her biggest challenge yet, it is no different. She has handled this diagnosis and the trials of living with ALS with grace and wisdom. Her strength is incredible and whether she agrees or not, it is truly inspiring.