Comments on: Where is my mind?
LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORYTue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000hourly1 Harry Burton
Harry BurtonFri, 19 Aug 2016 00:21:02 +0000 – you wrote “Not that we have to be all Pollyanna about it.” Which made me think of this:
Ah, a rose-colored world…
]]>By: Deidre Reed
Deidre ReedThu, 11 Aug 2016 02:48:31 +0000 can’t believe kids eat fruit rollups on purpose.
Keep writing
]]>By: Nancy kuhn clark
Nancy kuhn clarkWed, 10 Aug 2016 17:22:37 +0000 better soon! Your blogs are windows on so many PALS’ world. I hope you never stop.
I have 3 big kids. When they were Scarlet’s age and did things to aggravate the heck out of me, I somehow got a perverse sense of relief exclaiming, “Damn kids!”. I think the irreverent, anti-Donna Reed/ Betty Crocker- mom rant got some steam out of my system until they were irresistibly adorable again- when they were sleeping