I Iike the alternate ending better. Sarah, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with pneumonia. This is BS. Thinking of you and Scarlett and how you’ll be out and about soon together exploring more in the days ahead.
Speedy recovery Sara.
sending you and your amazing strength and attitude, prayers from Scottsdale
Bob Hebron
Stay strong – just like Pete F. you can and will come back from this. Our families thoughts, hope, prayers and love are going out to you, Rob and Scarlett. Hang in there – I need top see you in Boston in November…
Hello Sarah,
Get well soon, I know you are strong and will rebound with new energy.
Sending hugs and kisses from Spain.
Feel better soon. This stinks, but you have our prayers for a quick recovery.
Elvira Isganaitis
As a 30-something mother of two young boys and former SF resident, I was so moved by your NY Times essay last year that I have been following your blog, but I haven’t commented until now. My thoughts and prayers are with you, wishing you strength in this hopefully brief bout in the hospital. Your wonderful writerly voice, humor and courage are extraordinary. I just wanted to let you know that you are inspiring people everywhere with your story. We are all rooting for you. With love.
I’ve been reading your blog. Not sure how I came upon it. I’m 52. Diagnosed with ALS in December 2014. I’m still mobile but can feel things going down the path that none of us like. I’m praying for you and hoping that you are back up and at it soon. All the best!
Beth Carey
Sarah, so so sorry. It truly sucks. Sending you much love. ❤️❤️❤️
Jayne Sbarboro
I also follow your blog from afar (Denver, school friend of Carolyn’s). I hope you can feel a very strong energy field of prayer and light around you. It’s coming from many directions because you’ve spend time sending inspiration out in many directions. Whether you directly feel it or not, it is here for you.
Sending prayers for ease of breathing, peaceful heartbeating, strength, and most of all, LOVE. Because it’s all love. Breathe peace.
I Iike the alternate ending better. Sarah, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with pneumonia. This is BS. Thinking of you and Scarlett and how you’ll be out and about soon together exploring more in the days ahead.
Speedy recovery Sara.
sending you and your amazing strength and attitude, prayers from Scottsdale
Stay strong – just like Pete F. you can and will come back from this. Our families thoughts, hope, prayers and love are going out to you, Rob and Scarlett. Hang in there – I need top see you in Boston in November…
Get better soon.
Hello Sarah,
Get well soon, I know you are strong and will rebound with new energy.
Sending hugs and kisses from Spain.
Feel better soon. This stinks, but you have our prayers for a quick recovery.
As a 30-something mother of two young boys and former SF resident, I was so moved by your NY Times essay last year that I have been following your blog, but I haven’t commented until now. My thoughts and prayers are with you, wishing you strength in this hopefully brief bout in the hospital. Your wonderful writerly voice, humor and courage are extraordinary. I just wanted to let you know that you are inspiring people everywhere with your story. We are all rooting for you. With love.
I’ve been reading your blog. Not sure how I came upon it. I’m 52. Diagnosed with ALS in December 2014. I’m still mobile but can feel things going down the path that none of us like. I’m praying for you and hoping that you are back up and at it soon. All the best!
Sarah, so so sorry. It truly sucks. Sending you much love. ❤️❤️❤️
I also follow your blog from afar (Denver, school friend of Carolyn’s). I hope you can feel a very strong energy field of prayer and light around you. It’s coming from many directions because you’ve spend time sending inspiration out in many directions. Whether you directly feel it or not, it is here for you.
Sending prayers for ease of breathing, peaceful heartbeating, strength, and most of all, LOVE. Because it’s all love. Breathe peace.