It’s Labor Day today, and I guess technically I should not be writing, because the blog, while a labor of love, still definitely requires work. These days it’s easier to think of the words than to get them on the page, so I wait for a burst of energy, type what I can and then switch to dictation, even though the sentences never quite come out right. Then there’s more typing to correct all the weirdness. It’s laborious for sure.
When I was gainfully employed in the publishing industry, I knocked out emails like it was the easiest thing in the world. Day and night, using those typing skills I’d first learned in 6th grade computer lab. Now I’m so behind in basic communication that it’s embarrassing. I should have an auto reply on my gmail and text platforms: “Sorry, I am unable to reply to your message in a timely fashion because I used all my energy to put my contact lenses in. And by the way, it didn’t even work; my husband ended up putting them in for me. I’ll try to get back to you at some point this month.” And then some emoticons: a kissy face, a surprised cat, a thumbtack, the Golden Gate Bridge. Just because. Read More>