Tag Archives: tbt

Throwback Thursday

Scarlett went to school on Tuesday and Wednesday, but she’s home sick again today and currently lying in bed, naked and requesting stories about herself as a baby. So here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to take advantage of Throwback Thursday to share a blog post I wrote after Rob and I honeymooned in Italy way back in 2008. Scarlett was a glimmer in our mind, and ALS wasn’t even a consideration. We walked and sailed across every inch of Venice, shopped and dined in Florence, drank our way through Tuscany, and then arrived on the Amalfi Coast:

October 14, 2008

When we arrived in Naples from Florence, Rob wanted to call the hotel to get information on the quickest way to get to Positano from the train station. I wanted to use my “Italian” vocab to take a cab to a marina, a ferry to Sorrento and then a ferry to Positano. Because then we would have figured it out all by ourselves.

Rob won. Read More>

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